In the world we live in, there’s the unfortunate reality of divisiveness and inequality. We oftentimes even find ourselves feeling left out or less than. It seems cutting others down is easier than lifting them up. Of course, not everyone is this way; but it does seem like the voices that intend to harm and discredit shout louder than anyone else.

This is why it’s all the more important that we – the Faithbox Community and the body of Christ – use our voices, our lives, and our abilities to empower others and to remember that we are also empowered as sons and daughters of the King.

This month’s theme of Empowerment is about recognizing who is the Source and Foundation of our power, what (and who) we’ve been empowered for, what’s the outcome of empowering others, and why you can live confidently knowing that you have been empowered.

One thing we are promised in Scripture is that God empowers us to step into our calling once we choose to believe in Him:

“But to all who believed him [Jesus] and accepted him, He gave the right to become children of God.” – John 1:12

You are only as empowered as the One who has bestowed power upon you. Fortunately for you, you have been empowered by the all-powerful and almighty Creator of the universe flows freely to you and through you.

This is where empowerment begins. It begins with your welcoming into God’s family and your identity as a child of the Most High. The moment you placed your faith in Jesus Christ, you became a son/daughter of God, and were immediately entitled to all that God has to offer.

Although God could do all things by Himself, He invites us to partner with Him.

He empowers us so we can empower others—because when people are empowered they are able to step into the fullness of who God created them to be: dignified, secure, and loved.

When we remember just how empowered we are, we can be the difference, make a positive impact, help close the gap caused by injustices and ultimately, change our world!