When hardships are happening around you, it can sometimes feel difficult to seek out joy or hold onto seemingly fleeting moments of joy. We’ve waded through the heartbreaking, confusing times too, and we understand that joy is not intended to gloss over the harsh realities that so many in our Faithbox community deal with. We know that speaking about joy doesn’t erase things like depression, or deep hurts, or overwhelming circumstances.

We want you to know with certainty where joy is found and what is its source. We want you to feel equipped to discover joy in the small moments that matter deeply. We hope to encourage you to tap into joy, even when you are surrounded by trials and temptations. And we want you to be empowered to share in joy with those around you as you believe for a joyful future.

“Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!” – Philippians 4:4

In this passage, the Apostle Paul left us a small, but significant, clue: Joy is found “in.”

“…be full of joy in the Lord…” is what he wrote.

Fullness of Joy is found only and solely in our relationship with the Lord.

When we abide in Christ, and walk in fellowship with God, we begin to experience the depth of Joy that is offered to us.

As you begin this journey toward joy, remember that no matter what you face, what circumstance you’re in, or what hope you have — your joy will be found fully in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

“God made us for joy. God is joy, and the joy of living reflects the original joy that God felt in creating us.” – Pope Saint John Paul II

Father, Help us to seek the values that will bring us lasting joy in this changing world. In our desire for what You promise, make us one in mind and heart. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit. One God, for ever and ever. Amen.