As Christians and followers of Jesus, doubt is a confusing emotion to experience. We know we’re called to trust in God.

We know we’re supposed to have faith. We know what we should do.

But there are situations, struggles, and challenges that make us feel like all there is to do is doubt. You may find yourself asking:

Will God really come through for me? Why isn’t God answering?
Does God even hear me?

In all honesty, doubt is as much a part of the Christian experience as faith is. We just have a hard time reconciling the two and understanding how one can lead to the other. That is to say, we don’t always see how our doubt can actually lead to faith, and sometimes produce even greater faith.

“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” – Mark 9:23-24

But just like the father in this story, we cry out to Jesus, hoping He will heal, answer, provide, lead, save, respond, change, or come through and it’s filled with a mix of faith and doubt. Poet and writer, Khalil Gibran, once wrote: “Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother.”

This scripture captures the tension between wanting to believe and struggling to believe. We know that the Christian life is built on faith, but there are countless moments where our doubts feel so much stronger than our faith. However, we can trust that even in our doubts, Jesus will give us the strength to keep the faith!

So, wherever you are on the faith (or doubt) journey, know that we’re here to help you along and journey with you. We’re all in this together!

We do believe, and Jesus will help us overcome our unbelief!