With so much chaos ensuing in our world today, it can be easy to get caught up in the negative news stories and feel our joy being drowned out.

Many of us also deal with challenges and problems we never saw coming or expected. We’re faced with innumerable questions and uncertainties. From personal levels to a global scale, we’ve all encountered dilemmas we weren’t prepared for.

But when these uncertainties threaten to steal our hope and happiness, it’s important for us to remember that God created us to have FUN.

Now, you may be asking, “How is there time for fun when my life is seemingly falling apart? When I’m losing hope, how can I even experience fun? Is it even appropriate to focus on having fun when I’m struggling to keep my head above water?”

Those are some of the questions we plan to answer over the course of this month. The truth is fun comes from God. And throughout the Bible, we’re given examples of fun and instructions to have fun, but we’re never commanded to not have fun.

“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens.” – James 1:17

God is a giver. He gives good things to His children for their fulfillment, their satisfaction, and their enjoyment. Fun and joy were created by God and He intends for them to be part of our human experience.

In fact, one could make the argument that if we’re not having fun in this life, then we are not truly living in the fullness of life God desires for us. This doesn’t mean that we won’t, or shouldn’t, experience hardships, trouble, or sadness; but it also doesn’t mean we shouldn’t enjoy having fun!

Fun is a gift from God, and when we partake in fun activities, experiences, and moments, we are living the life God the Father always desired for us to live.

Even in the midst of challenges and uncertainties, God desires for His people to have joy, to celebrate, and to make room for fun in their lives!